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Gynecomastia, or male glandular breast tissue, is the most common breast problem in men. A smooth chest contour is a main feature of the male physique. Studies show up to 50% of men are estimated to experience some problems of gynecomastia also know as enlarged male breasts, at some point during their lives. If your looking for a better shape of your chest or require a reduction, but don’t know a lot about what it involves, the benefits and would like to know more about this treatment please contact Harley Street Clinic Surrey & Harpenden.
Gynaecomastia (sometimes referred to as "man boobs") is a common condition that causes boys' and men's breasts to swell and become larger than normal. Pseudogunecomastia (lipomastia) is the developement of male breast tissue from the subareolar fat, without glandular tissue forming. This can affect upto 65 % males in their adolescence and upto 75 % affect both sides. The treatment carried out will depend on the extent (grade) of your condition.
The gynecomastia surgery involves making a cut around the nipple which hides scarring, removing excess fatty tissue, repositioning of the nipples if needed when a lot of tissue needs to be removed. In most cases, there can be immediate improvement seen in the chest contour; however, complete results can often take 4-6 months. Swelling and some bruising are normal after surgery depending on individuals, results are best seen following recovery time. Diet and exercise will play the biggest role in helping you maintain your male breast reduction results. There are many ways to keep healthy and active, you may wish to speak to our team of specialists to discuss your needs further, our surgeons provide a diet and exercise plan. If you require any more information, feel free to contact our team at Harley Street Clinic Surrey & Harpenden.
Gynecomastia treatments can be performed on all individuals age 18 an over and is a very common treatment to improve chest and breast aesthetics. If you are considering Gynecomastia treatments then Harley Street Clinic Surrey & Harpenden is the clinic to visit. Our Reigate Theatre's are CQC registered, and we provide a first-class treatment as our patient care is excellent, so you can have peace of mind that you’ve chosen the best clinic for your procedure. With more than 20 years of experience, we’re a trusted clinic providing an outstanding level of satisfaction for all patients. As part of our service, we will provide you with aftercare and take care of any questions you have before and after treatment. All of our medical practitioners are hand picked and world class, so all consultations and treatments will be delivered to the highest standard. All of the products that we used are of premium high-grade quality and approved by MHRA. To discuss this treatment in more depth, please contact us to book a free consultation with one of our specialists. You can reach us on 01737 930400, to speak with a member of our team, and book a free consultation with us. We look forward to hearing from you.
We offer the latest advanced aesthetic treatments, procedures and state of the art technology, in a high standard clinical environment, with outstanding patient care.
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